How do I participate in the Leadership Academy?
For peerLA, you must be nominated by your dean.
Who can participate in the Leadership Academy?
At this time only university faculty or staff can take part in the program.
The Leadership Academy sponsored by the Office of the President, is a university-wide program limited to those who are nominated to the program, and who can commit to all of the training sessions.
What training is covered in the program?
The Leadership Academy program is divided into three separate yet cohesive formal training workshops. The theme of each workshop is:
- Workshop 1: Developing a leadership vision
- Workshop 2: Cultivating leadership skills
- Workshop 3: Creating sustainable leadership
Additionally, several supplemental seminars in the Exploring Leadership Series (ELS) will be offered throughout the year to compliment the workshops. These are typically skill-based sessions, guided by the input and feedback from the current cohort. Opportunities for coaching, networking events and professional development tools will also be available to participants.
What is the Leadership Academy training schedule?
The core of the training includes three 2-day (overnight) workshops three times per year, in August, January and May. There are several other training and networking options to enhance the core training workshops. Your exact training dates depend on your cohort year.
What if I can’t attend all three core training workshops?
In order to join the Leadership Academy, you must commit to attend all three workshops. This is critical for your own development and that of your fellow cohort members (or team members). If you wish to participate and cannot attend all three workshops, you can defer your training by a year.
For peerLA, what is the criteria for the "leadership activity"?
The leadership activity is a required element of the peerLA program. This individual activity will be used by participants to practice what they are leading and demonstrate tangible progress throughout the year. The goal of the leadership activity is to provide a roadmap for advancement of the individual and University.
Examples of a strong leadership activity:
- Preparing or navigating a new role
- Extension of current role that significantly advances the unit and organization
- New activity or project
Examples of a weak leadership activity:
- Writing a publication
- Putting together a mini-conference
- Advancing own research agenda
How are participants selected for the program?
Participants are nominated by their deans or team leaders, and are selected based on their capacity to commit to the core activities of the Leadership Academy.
How do I nominate someone to participate?
If you are an ASU dean or director with exceptional faculty or research-active staff who are emerging as leaders in university activities, please send us a nomination. We will also solicit nominations from all deans and directors during the academic year.
What is the cost to attend the Leadership Academy?
If accepted, there is no fee to participate in the Leadership Academy. Participants are asked to arrange their own travel to and from the workshops, as well as any incidentals. All other expenses associated with the workshops are covered by the Leadership Academy.